i love you“Forever Yours.” You make a promise to a loved one that you will be linked to them beyond time. You are merely voicing what the soul has already voiced in its own way. You were together before you met and will meet again if you so desire. What do we mean by this? There are some who make such a vow and then grow apart. Lessons were learned together and in spite of the vows, you grew and moved apart. Trust us, you will always be linked at a soul level, for you did agree to learn from each other. You will see each other again on the other side of the veil, and then you will decide yet again if there is benefit in this new relationship. Those aspects known as soul mates will have no difficulty reaching a decision. Those who grew apart and moved apart will acknowledge the growth and learning achieved, and will now see the perfection in it all with gratitude. They may drift apart yet again, but our point is that forever is forever. Bound by love you go round. Amends are made on the other side far easier than they are on earth, but it need not be that way. There is no reason to wait, for forever is now.