cell-phonesTechnology … it is bringing you closer together, but also keeping you farther apart.  What to do about it?  Recognize the duality of life at work once again.  You always have choices.  You can see the many good things that come from your instant communications and the sharing of information with more of humanity, yet many humans are using this as an excuse to retreat from communication with those next to them.  As always, this is what you label “good” and “bad” playing back and forth.  Neither is “right” or “wrong,” but yet more opportunities for the system to inform itself of what works and what does not work to raise consciousness.  Use the very technology itself to overcome what is not working, and the self-informing sytem will prove itself.  As always, follow your heart–the greatest technology you have for change.

Note from Suzanne:  Be sure to read the comment from Patty posted on yesterday’s message “Forever Yours” for a real “wow” of how Sanaya often speaks directly to our questions.