
Wherever you go, light follows. You are a beacon whose light does not just shine and leaves darkness when you depart, but a bearer of gifts that remain. Light has an energizing effect. In a world where all is energy, energy shifts in the presence of light. How brightly can you shine? How great is the need? You dispel the darkness with your every thought and deed.  Had you any idea of the difference that you make in those around you, you would turn your thoughts to those of being the beacon that you are. You would walk through pockets of lower vibrations and visualize particles of light spiraling away from you like sparkles from a sparkler. You remember those sizzling sticks of light with which you played as a child? Play with that image in your mind now as you leave bits of your efferv(essence) behind in the form of love. Shine on, bright light. You are much needed.