ConnectingCan anyone connect with their guides, with Higher Consciousness? Yes, of course. This is akin to asking, “Can anyone breathe?” It is impossible to not be connected to Higher Consciousness, for all is one. You are inseparable from that Consciousness of which you are a part. You all hear the still, small voice all the time. The challenge is in differentiating higher guidance and thoughts from those of the human self, the ego. So many of your thoughts are of the higher realms, put there by loved ones who have passed, by guides and angels, and the highest levels, but these thoughts get muddled by the insertion of the repetitive and often less-than-loving ego thoughts born of living amongst humans who are ignorant as to who they truly are.

The more you awaken to the Truth that you are an aspect of Spirit, the more clear becomes the Voice. There is only one Voice, after all, dispersed into a chorus of voices, each singing at a different frequency of Love. Your task is to discern which tones are of the ego and which are of Spirit. Yes, all have the ability to connect with guides and loved ones. It is simply a task of filtering out the noise.

Note from Suzanne: This message from Sanaya comes in answer to a question I was asked after my talk at the IANDS conference. The woman wanted to know if the connection with the other side would ever be withheld for a reason. I told her I would ask Sanaya. They gave me this answer today as a precursor, and specifically answered her question in “Part 2,” which I will post tomorrow!