Note: This is part 2 to a message posted yesterday from Sanaya. It comes in response to a woman’s question, “If we all have the ability to connect with higher consciousness, would the connection with our loved ones or guides ever be withheld?”

Soulmate InteractionSanaya Says: The challenges you face as humans all serve a purpose: to allow you to grow through the choices you make as you face those challenges. The more your choices are based upon divine love, kindness, and compassion, with the understanding of the distinction between the physical and non-physical realms, the greater is your advancement as a soul. Yes, the awareness of specific guidance and a connection with certain aspects of consciousness may be withheld in order for you to have certain growth experiences. And when the connection is made, you will then be able to look back upon those lessons and see that all unfolded perfectly.

Trust that your unseen helpers are with you always, as are your loved ones on the other side. If you do not sense them at this point in spite of your desires, this is an integral part of your path. Know that the longing to make the connection more clearly or to make it at all comes from the nudge within—from the spirit. That nudge, that longing, is part of the awakening process, there to propel you ever so lovingly along your path. Be not discouraged at the lack of awareness, but buoyed by the love that fuels that urge to make the connection. This in itself is a sign that the connection has already been established. Know that all is in perfect order and that you are unfolding and growing perfectly.