Brenda Baker 3What does transformation look like?  Those of you who enjoy exchanging comments with me and others on my Facebook page and at will recognize the name Brenda Bollmann Baker. She makes a love-filled comment nearly every day about something I or Sanaya post. Brenda and I became acquainted in Phoenix this past April. (That’s Brenda in the striped shirt in the photo on the left).  She sent me a wonderfully gushy email the other day, and her words brought a big smile to my heart. Brenda is a beautiful example of the joy that results from self-realization. I asked her permission to share her words so that those who recognize themselves in the “old” Brenda see what kind of transformation is possible (and some of the keys to achieving it).

My dearest Suzanne,

Thank you, because you, through Spirit, have opened my heart and mind to my real, authentic self. I daily thank our Ultimacy for this beautiful and overwhelming awakening. I am so richly blessed. I know that I radiate this joy. How could I not, for I overflow with such love and peace, and I know it brings a message of hope and loving compassion to those with whom I interact. I am filled with gratitude and guided in so many wonderful ways. What joy!

Despite my bounty of blessings, I spent most of my life living a lie: internally, I was an angry, self-destructive woman, covered in a charming and respected facade. I was filled with rage, aggression, and pain, and I stuffed those feelings. And I tried to fit the mold. And I didn’t. And what I did know about myself was judged an abomination. So I put on my happy mask and acted out my life. I didn’t let anyone in. Finally, I rejected my religious (and judgmental) upbringing and totally shut down my religious life. I am not sure that I ever had a spiritual life.   In retrospect, I see an unhappy, albeit to most appearances, successful woman.

And then, after being led to attend your “Heart Gifts” presentation, I felt a shift. What a remarkable, joyous, and awesome journey I am on!! I am so blessed to be gaining more and more tools for getting centered and finding peace. It is time to shower myself with love. It is time to heal and release the past. I do see the rainbow in every past storm, for these were lessons learned that have brought me to this very moment. I am so ready to be done with hiding and pretending. It’s exhausting! Uncovering is so freeing. I AM free!

Here is how my life has changed: I have established a startup routine for myself that I hold sacrosanct. Before I even get out of bed I proclaim “I am FREE!” As soon as I see myself, I stop and gaze intently into the mirror and say, “I love you!” These behaviors have become second nature to me. I am so thankful for that transformation! The first thing I do is my meditation practice:

  • I begin with your 10 minute transformation meditation. Yes, I love the balance, focus, and cleansing it provides me. First things first!
  • I spend a goodly amount of time praying. I usually begin by following the prayer you gave in your meditation guide, for I love the language used and my opportunity to include so many people that I am thankful for in my life.
  • I almost always use your “Making the Connection” meditation. It so deeply moves me. And ALWAYS when guided to think of something or someone for whom I am truly grateful, I immediately picture you and me standing by the fire at the center of the labyrinth at the end of your Unity Village retreat, grasping hands and staring intently into each other’s eyes. This is a sacred moment which I treasure and love completely.
  • If I have time, I usually do another meditation; often I use one of my Oprah/Deepak meditation series.

Because I frequently “like” or comment on the wonderful “Sanaya Says” postings on Facebook, my friends have begun to notice. I am so veryBrenda Baker 1 pleased to talk with them, at their invitation, about my transformation. This is such a wonderful opportunity to share the most awesome message of who we really are.

I am so filled with gratitude and joy for my growing faith and practices.  Every day I ask my Ultimacy how I may serve.

My love to you and Ty,


And mine to you, Brenda.

I understand now why NASA recently reported a brilliant light glowing over Phoenix. If Brenda keeps going this way, she will light up the world. And isn’t that why we’re here? The more we come to know ourselves as Love and love ourselves, the more love we are able to bring into our world.

Brenda’s awakening happened very quickly.  A special message from Sanaya shortly after my talk in Phoenix had quite an effect on her, and she began sharing her thoughts with me.  Her happiness was real, but she was so giddy those first few weeks that I waited for the other shoe to drop.  It hasn’t, and now I know that it won’t.  How do I know?  It’s her ability to look in her mirror each morning and not only say, “I love you” at the reflection staring back at her, but to feel that love and the joy that comes with it.  Yeah, she gets it.  She has reawakened the connection with the spirit within.  The result is not a temporary giddiness, but permanent change.  That is transformation.