Find yourself a mantra, a phrase with the highest vibration, and repeat it throughout your day. Say it silently under the breath over and over, even if you do not know the meaning. There are phrases that have been passed down through generations for their healing, curative, and transformative power. Not only does the vibration of the phrase hold this power, but the act of focusing on the repetition is a most excellent way to practice mindfulness. While you are repeating the mantra, the ego is not running off into the past with its pain and the future with its fear. Is this, then, simply an avoidance practice? Not at all. When done with intention, repeating a mantra creates space in the mind for insights and wisdom from higher consciousness to find its way into your awareness. Now that is something that bears repeating.
Note from Suzanne: How to find the mantra for you? Do some research. Google “mantras” and find one with the properties that assist with a specific issue you want to improve and one that speaks to your heart.
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