Let’s start at the very beginning.  It is a very good place to start.  In the beginning was the Word.  What is a word, but vibration.  When you picture sound, do you see it as a direct line of vibration like the sound wave diagrams you have seen in your textbooks?  Sound does not travel that way at all.  It travels like a bubble, in a spherical way.  You bubble up every moment from the thoughts of This, Pure Awareness.  As above, so below.  Imagine your thoughts flowing away from the center of you in spherical shape, touching all that is, not like a laser beam that only touches things in one specific direction.  You are connected with all that bubbles up from the Mind of Source, for the mind of you is connected with all minds as the one Mind.  What do you need to know?  Just ask.  The answer will bubble up when and as it serves the Greater Good.  In this moment now, there is only Word, vibration, pure Consciousness, and if it is not good, do not think again.  Settle down, breathe, and know … beyond the drama, all is G(o)od.