When asked in a group, “Who will volunteer?” is it not typical to see the members shift uncomfortably with none wanting to stand out.  Finally, one brave soul, as you call them, raises a hand, and a rustle of relief is felt through those who now feel no more pressure.  Why do you call that one who stepped forth a brave soul?  The soul is not brave.  Bravery is the opposite of fearful, and the soul is neither.  The soul simply is.  Is what?  The Light.  This Light never goes out.  Its very essence is brightness, and with that brightness come essential qualities, one of which is courage, which in the case of the soul, has no opposite.

Step into the awareness of Who and What you are as an eternal soul and you know there is nothing to fear.  This is why courage is ever-present when identified with and as the soul.  Do we have any volunteers?  Who will go first?  If it is the human who raises the hand, (s)he will be filled with trepidation.  If it is the soul, there is no hesitation.