Perspective is
everything.  Do you realize that a person’s
anger and cruelty are a result of their pain? 
And what is the cause of that pain? 
The great distance or disconnection from their true self … from
Love.  Those in pain may be the last to
admit this, for many have buried their past hurts so deeply that they know nothing
but anger or cruelty.  Those who know
love can often not conceive of what it is like to know not love and to have
been treated brutally.  Imagine such a
situation when all one has experienced is darkness.  Now surround the one in that situation with
light.  That is compassion.  It is born of empathy.

Return not anger with anger,
but with understanding and love.  Yes,
deal with inappropriate actions appropriately, but infuse the situation with
what is missing … with love.