Humans are quite amusing.  You project your problems and unwanted traits
onto others.  You are quite good at
pointing at another and pointing out their faults without admitting that you do
the same thing quite often.  You will
argue that this is not so, for you are human. 
Humans do not like to take responsibility for those aspects that could
use a bit of polishing.  But here is the
key:  Yes, you are human, but there is a
part of you that is quite a bit more polished—a part that shines and twinkles
if you will set it free.

The next time you point a
finger at another human, say instead, “There they are, acting human just as I
AM.  May the latter two words give you
pause, and in that pause find it within your Self to rise above your humanness
and change that within yourself which you feel need to criticize.