Zero gravity.  What is this?  A situation in which nothing is pulling on you.  Nothing is holding your feet to the earth.  You are floating, flying.  You are free!  There are some who pay for this experience, and it is exhilarating.  Why?  For you know how slow and ponderous it can be to walk about in a human body, but the soul knows what it feels like to fly free.  It has never forgotten.  You long for freedom at times, and this zero gravity state reminds you of home.  You are home now, wherever you are, for you cannot leave “here.”  Remember this, please, when life becomes challenging, when it is filled with “gravity.”  You are in a human suit for a reason.  You are an explorer, like the astronaut who has gone where no man has ever gone before.  Each step that you take upon earth is a chance to see life in human form from a new perspective.  See your human adventure with this perspective of adventure and milk it for all it is worth.  Soon enough you will once again experience zero gravity, but whilst exploring earth in your human suit, never get bored, never tire of the adventure.  Know that the adventure continues for you, for there is still much to be learned and earned.  You are so very loved.