The language you use will hold you captive in the role if you are not living consciously.  I is an insidious pronoun.  I allows you to think this role you play is the real and only you.  “If there is no ‘I’, then what is left?” You ask.  This … This aspect of consciousness expressing itself with feelings, thoughts, images, and sensations.  If you choose to call this “I”, then this grouping of thoughts, sensations, feelings, and images that are all occurring in consciousness becomes a pattern, which now has memories, experiences, and a future.  Oh yes, the body is a pattern held together in consciousness, and when consciousness moves on to a different role, the body will dissolve and this pattern of thoughts, images, feelings, and sensations you have referred to as “I” will still exist if This so desires.  Otherwise, you can dissolve back into consciousness.  You can always arise again and again as desired, for that is what Love does.  “Love?” you ask?  Yes, beloved.  That is the “I” at the center of all that is.  The rest is icing.