Excuses … what are they covering up?  Had you any idea how often you believe your
own stories, you could make some beneficial changes in your life.  Do you say, “Oh, but I don’t do this or
that!”  Now ask yourself why it is
that you do not?  You have made up a story
in your mind and you follow that story to the letter.  But what if your story were different?  Then the results would change.  Perhaps there is a bit of fear behind your
story.   Perhaps you are afraid to test
your own power?  Perhaps you have simply
learned a way of being from another being and have not tested a new way of
being.  Listen to your thoughts
today.  Dig out the ones that hold you
back and examine them under a microscope, as you say.  You may find some germs running around there
in your personal petri dish that have no place in this science experiment you
call “human life.”  Excuses be gone.  It is time to truly live.