A silly picture or any number of things triggers embarrassment.  Embarrassment is of the ego.  The soul knows only love.  Of what are you worried?  What others will think.  Where did you learn to think like that?  In this question lie two keys to your
discomfort.  In the first is the word “learn.”  Embarrassment is learned behavior.  Are indigenous peoples embarrassed by their
naked skin?  Why are you?  This is learned behavior.  The second key lies in the word “think.”  Thinking is of the ego.  The soul, based in the heart, knows feeling,
not thinking, but feelings of love. 
Lesser feelings are born of thinking. 
We believe you most likely get our drift by now.  You can drift between embarrassment and
peace, between ego and soul, between shackles and freedom any time you would
like in your world of time.  Isn’t it
about time you put what others think aside and simply focus on what really