Do not forget to speak to those who have
passed.  Yes, we know that even here in
human form you often forget to call those closest to you, so wrapped up in your
own lives do you become.  What if you
were to set aside a few moments for a mental phone call to heaven?  It would be quite well received.  Is this silliness?  Not at all. 
Just as you often know who is on the telephone before you answer, your
loved ones on the other side pick up on your thoughts. 

Sit with the intention of making this connection,
and place your call.  That is all it
takes.  It may feel one sided as you
rattle on.  No matter.  Trust that you are heard.  Connect at the heart.  If you need a sign that you were heard, ask
for one.  It may take a few days, but so
grateful will be your loved ones that they will do their best to merge heaven
and earth to acknowledge your efforts.  M
ake the call. 
The love connection is one which never dies.