You can prepare your lines all you wish … rehearse
your actions until you know every movement in every moment, and what will that
gain you?  A false sense of
security.  Why?  Because you never act alone.  Life is about the interaction of all the
parts of the Whole, and all the other parts are not so well rehearsed.  They are each acting out their own parts,
some with great unpredictability.  For
some, this may bring fear, which is why they prepare so.  Control is an elusive thing, as is peace, until
you realize that a Force far greater than you is pulling the strings.  Yes, you have a great say in all matters, for
you have free will, but until you realize that you do not run the show, you
will experience frustration at times and occasional disappointment.  That is natural for the human side of
you.  What is natural for the spirit side
is flow.  When you can flow with the
dance of life instead of marching out in rigid, well-rehearsed steps, then you
will find you can enjoy life with far more ease.