Are you stuck and cannot see a way out of your
predicament?  Rise above for the soul’s
eye view.  When you are zoomed in on your
issues alone, you often fail to see the other opportunities.  Who else is involved?  Who else can help you?  Are you indeed stuck, or are there other
choices?  There always are, but they
often involve change, something most humans shy away from.  If you are ill at ease and seek peace, then
change is necessary.  If you are unhappy
and seek peace, then change is the answer. 
Is change so bad?  Often the fear
of it is worse than the actuality.  Fear …
your greatest obstacle to peace.  Rise
above and study the choices.  Study them
well until you are so familiar with them that change is a welcome next
step.  Have no fear.  Peace lies just around the bend.