“My dog he, my cat she, my husband and I we, and oh my, the children …”  When your world seems to come tumbling down around you, when everything you know is not as you know, it is time to breathe.  It is time to relax.  It is time to pamper the self.  “But I don’t have time for that!” You say, and some of you will mean this as linear time and others will mean this as simply a way of being, for you cannot imagine stopping “doing” long enough to make time for your self, two words.  The self needs attention.  You are here for you, not for anyone else.  Ah, but does that not imply separation?  Yes.  Only though dealing with the self do you come back to oneness, and only in the oneness, in a state of pure BE-in and not do-ing, thinking, worrying, stressing, gnashing, do you come to know peace.  So breathe.  Cease do-ing, and with or without a bubble bath pamper the self.  The body will sooner or later let you know that you have become out of balance.  Find the balance before this happens and be well.