When you become so immersed in your story—the human drama that is playing out around you—that you are unable to feel your connection with the higher realms, you make it more difficult for your guides to reach you as well.  You can call on us, but if you are doing so from that human level of neediness, of “please help me the story” as if there is no greater aspect of you already within you, then you must find it within you to clear out the lower thoughts and vibrations holding you down, prisoner to the story.

How to do this?  Energy work applied with the intention of returning you to a place of wholeness.  Wholeness includes the human side, yet acknowledges you are both fully human and fully spirit.  Clear the chakras, do reiki, tapping, yoga, or whatever modality clears the present trauma and restores the flow of love up, down, in, out, and through the body and mind.  Welcome Home, dear friend.