You wish to bring more love into this world?  Why, it is already there!  This is what the mass of humanity do not yet
realize.  That very love is masked
beneath false beliefs.  If a jewel is
buried in the mud, you will not recognize it until it is unearthed and washed
free of the debris.  The jewel of
humanity lies in the soul.  It is right
there beneath your very noses, and toes, and fingers, and eyes.  Do not believe all the lies.  You are worthy.  You are loved.  You are magnificent! 

There!  Do you feel
what just happened?  A bit of caked up
mud just sloughed off as Truth caused the jewel within to stir.  Do not wait for someone or something outside
of you to clear that which has been hiding your true nature.  Realize that you are love, and set yourself