There will be times when you find yourself in a tight
spot.  You have been there before.  Yes, a feeling of doom may descend, but that
is simply a warning sign, just as is pain. 
These signs and pains do not represent permanency.  They merely alert you that adjustments to
your normal routine may be necessary. 
Now that you have recognized that action is needed, how do you take it
and not lose all equanimity?  This is
precisely when our favorite phrase becomes most useful.  You repeat “Isn’t that interesting” until you
can think straight.  You repeat it until
you remember “this too shall pass.”  

There is nothing permanent, not even death.  That is the beauty of these teachings.  They remind you to see from a higher
perspective.  From up there, what appears
to be stuck, or a tragedy, or a challenge, or a disaster, is one piece in the
ever-changing picture-puzzle of your temporary life as a human.  The part of you that is pure spirit merely
shines on and rests in peace, knowing all is well, most especially when the
human learns and grows from the bumps in the road.
Note from Suzanne:  To
read how we got a bit “stuck” in downtown Chicago in our coach yesterday, see my blog and Ty’s blog today.  Now that we are in Central Time Zone, Sanaya
may appear to post an hour later each morning. 
If you follow by email (fill in the box on the right-side column of the posts will
continue to show up in your inbox mid-afternoon.  Love to all!