Alchemy … when you
transmute a lesser metal into gold.  How
would you like to be an alchemist?  We are
about to gift to you the greatest tool of the alchemist:  compassion. 
The lesser metals in this case are represented by such emotions as
anger, judgment, and frustration.  When you
as the alchemist feel these emotions within yourself—for you see them in
another—pull out the compassion.  Spread
it about liberally toward the other and toward yourself.  You would not be witness to anger, judgment,
or frustration if love were fully present in your conscious awareness.  It is always fully present, but must at times
be transmuted from the lower vibrations.

Love is the gold you
seek, my friend.  When anger, judgment,
frustration, and the like—the lesser metals—are present, transmute them into
love—the gold—with the tool of compassion. 
Then, alchemy is possible.  Now you
hold the key.  Go mine some gold.