New beginnings.  Each moment of your life is one.  You may as well celebrate this moment, for it
represents a fresh start.  If you find yourself
grieving, you are focusing on the past.  “No.  This moment now is unbearable!” you cry, and
that is because your perceptions are based upon a belief system focused around
past experiences.

What if you had been
dropped into an alien world and new nothing of this culture?  You could only rely upon what you know.  So, what do you know?  “I AM. 
I exist.  I feel drawn to
connect.  What is this magnetic pull that
causes me to want to communicate and interact?” 
It is your true nature calling. 
Love is the connective tissue between all of you.  It is the savior within you when you feel that
all is lost and you are lost. 
Save yourself in times
of trouble and save yourself a lot of trouble by dwelling not in the past.  Peer not into the future, and see the present
moment through new eyes:  through the
eyes of love.