What would happen if you were to remove the word “I” from your thoughts and vocabulary?  Where would “you” go?  Immediately the ego reacts, fearful that it would disappear or be ignored.  Know this: where there is fear, the real “you” is not the primary focus.  The real you is a focus of consciousness, of pure awareness, of immense love.  The real you is having the experience of playing human.  The real you has no identity apart from others around you.  The real you simply IS.  The real you decided to see what kind of experiences it could have if it took on the role of being human.  It decided to see what it could learn, to see how it could expand itself and be love in even more ways than it already is.

If you could see that there is no “I” but simply pure awareness having the experience of being aware in billions and billions of forms, the you that thinks it is “I” would be far more peaceful, for there would be no strife, no competition, and no judgment.  There would be no fear, no unrest, and no disease.  There would be only love looking out of a pair of eyes.  That is the real you.  Those eyes would have no need to use a word such as “I.”  They would see only the Self looking back.  They would see only Love.`