Wolves-wolves-7896863-1024-768Have we not told you that you are the Light? You may appear to yourselves to be solid, but we see you as individual lights. Some appear more bright than others. Imagine how you look to us when you band together to turn up the light. Can you picture the effect? And so it is when a large group of you bring your focused attention together for the purpose of bringing peace to your world. As you sit with love in your heart and focused intention in your mind, it is exactly like making a bulb burn more brightly.

Do not think that one person cannot make a difference. Burn as brightly as you can. When the call comes to join others in doing so, you set your world on fire … with Love. The naysayers will downplay your efforts. Shine all over them, for their lights have dimmed to the point where they experience less than love. They need your light more than ever. There is far greater power in numbers than you imagine. Add love and light to the mix, and you will start a revolution.

Change may not happen overnight. Again, the naysayers will look for instant changes. Were you beyond the veil, where cause and effect are instantaneous, you would immediately see the results of your loving efforts. In your world, change is more slow to reveal itself. This is part of the learning: learning to trust in the presence and power of Love, and doing such things as meditating en masse because the heart tells you it makes a difference. Listen to your heart. It will never steer you wrong.

Note from Suzanne:  Yesterday I and many of those of you who got the word, joined James Twyman in a mass meditation to bring healing to the situation in Syria and beyond.  I was filled with God-bumps when I read what happened just afterwards.  Here are James Twyman’s words (and if you have read my book, “Wolf’s Message” – you will want to read to the end of his remarks):

“Today millions of people joined together to claim the reality of peace for all those suffering in Syria, especially the children. Three amazing things happened that I want to share with you, miracles that show us the power of our shared, focused energy and prayers.

The Rainbow

As we drove to the overlook, someone on the bus said “Look at the sky.” We looked out the window and saw a brilliant rainbow that completely circled the sun. It felt like a sign of what was to come. In an hour millions of people would join us energetically, sending their light into the situation in Syria, without judgment. The rainbow meant we were not alone.

The Battle

Hours before we arrived a battle raged just beneath where we stood. Bombs exploded and guns fired at the bottom of the hill just beyond the security fence. It seemed that we were up against more than we anticipated, but then something incredible happened. It was as if the war stopped while we joined together as one. The battle simply ceased, and remained that way through the entire meditation.

The Wolves

Over 100 people from many spiritual paths sat in silence as we were joined by you and so many others. We held that space for 15 minutes, and when I looked at the clock to end the silence, before I said a word, the sound of a single wolf howling just below us echoed through the air, then more until there were dozens of wolves that howled for exactly one minute, and then stopped. It was one of the most incredible things we ever heard.”

(From Suzanne:  and I am howling back.  How about you?)