They tell you, “Watch out for getting a big head,” and this
is good advice, but only if it gets bigger than your heart.  You are thinking of ego, and we are speaking
of thinking and logic.  Set ego aside and
simply ride with us a moment …. If your heart were to grow bigger than your
head while in human form, you would be out of balance just as if the opposite
were the case.  Use logic and thinking as
a valuable human tool.  You have these
gifts for a reason, but do your best to balance them with loving-kindness and
heart-felt compassion.  Give everything
the heart test:  “How does it
FEEL?”  If you then make decisions
which serve the greater good and come from the heart, you will be far ahead of
the game.  And then, getting back to ego,
your head will not get too big, for you will have balanced your decision with
the heart.  Do you see how it all
balances out?  This is called win-win.