So subtle.  That is how the still, small Voice can be at times.  Still and small.  Are you listening or do you provide no space for it?  Quite often God is speaking to you in the only way the Source can:  through your thoughts, but you do not hear it, for you have crowded it out or mistaken it.  Hear us well:  all thoughts arise from Pure Awareness, but ego co-opts them quite frequently to fit its own agenda.

Practice presence.  Tell ego to step aside and be quiet for just a bit as you ask, “What is it I need to know?”  Those pauses after asking are the perfect entry point for the Light.  Pay attention to the thoughts that follow.  Feel the difference.  If they are loving and helpful, they come from a Higher Power.  If they are not, pay no heed, for ego has stepped back in.  Continue with all due diligence to hear that still, small Voice, and your very intention will reap the Highest Rewards.