fleeceThere is power, and there is Power.  One is of the ego, the other of God … of Spirit.  You HAVE an ego, but you ARE an expression of Spirit, therefore you ARE Spirit.  You are not the ego.  Any human power that you seek or believe that you have is ephemeral and serves the ego’s needs, but your true Power cannot be shaken nor taken away.  What does this Power feel like?  Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.  Now do it again.  Perhaps you are feeling more peaceful.  If so, you are getting to that place of true Strength inside of you.  It comes with a knowingness that everything you face as a human being will be all right.  You can handle it without doing a thing.  Without worry or fear.  You need merely surrender to this Power that is Courage, that is Strength, that is Peace, that is Love to find these qualities.  True Power is not loud and forceful, but as soft as fleece.  Soften your search for it and step into your Power.