falling“Catch me!  I feel as if I’m falling!” you cry to Spirit, and in that moment of recognition that you have allowed yourself to get out of balance, fall some more.  The slightest shift as you fall will take you from falling off center to falling into the arms of awareness that a higher Self than the one doing the falling will catch you.  That oh so slight shift begins to bring you back to center.  And how do you get there?  Having shifted your fall into the arms of Love, you say, “I surrender,” and you continue falling, this time in a state of trust that you need not do it all or know it all or have it all.  You trust that in surrendering to that higher Power that never leads you astray and knows just what you need from one now-moment to the next, all will be well.

There.  Can you feel the peace?  It is like the difference between falling onto a hard slab and falling onto a bed of feathers, feathered by your angels’ wings.