Shift your focus. That is all it takes to enter another realm. You wish to be reunited with loved ones who have passed? They are still alive, dancing in another dimension. Put on your shoes and dance with them in your mind. First you must quiet the mind and enter a state where you are no longer aware of the body. It is the body that keeps you anchored in this reality. To move to the next dimension, allow the body to disappear as it does in the dream state. With the full intention of moving beyond, shift your focus.

When you hear a voice, answer back in your mind. The ensuing conversation is more real than the ego would have you believe. Continue the process until thought is replaced with the experience of a presence, or perhaps a fragrance or a touch. Then you will know that only a veil does separate you from other worlds. To some it does come easier than others to shift back and forth between worlds. Start by knowing it is there.