I want to share a beautiful confirmation I received that those in spirit are truly with us and that mediums are not simply “reading the mind of the client.”
During a reading last November I heard the name “Sammy” (I’ve been given permission to share this story anonymously, so I’ve changed his name). My client said, “That’s my good friend’s husband’s name, but he passed.” Sammy then proceeded to share with me a message that he wanted my client to pass along to his wife.
I had forgotten about that brief visit until I received a most welcome letter this week from Sammy’s wife. It seems that my client had, indeed, delivered her husband’s message. The wife wrote “You said that there was this ‘spirit’ named Sammy who knew my friend, and he wanted to let me know that he was okay. He mentioned something about ‘pain in the stomach, cancer, colon cancer, and surgery,’ among other details. On the same day of the reading, I had an appointment with a proctologist. A week later I discovered I had a malignant tumor in the colon. I had surgery on November 28. They took out the tumor, and thank God I won’t have to have chemotherapy or radiation. What stunned me the most was that Sammy, my deceased husband, knew about my cancer before I knew, and he looked for an opportunity to let me know and tell me how he was doing.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about all this,” she continued. “I’m a skeptical person, but, now I must say that I WAS a skeptical person. I started reading Messages of Hope, and it made me cry, but it was a joyful cry. I had always thought of spirits in a negative way, as in evil spirits, but I never thought about spirits full of love. I must thank you, because indirectly I know now that my husband is okay. He is with me, and will be all the time.”
I am so grateful this woman took the time to share this magical story with me and that she has allowed me to share it with you. What is it I advise people all the time? “Talk to them. They hear you.”