Are you feeling offended?  That is ego. 
Are you feeling put-upon?  That is
ego as well.  Fearful?  Angry? 
Judgmental?  Oh, the many faces of
ego.  Were you to stop and think about
them all they would astound you, and they are oh, so changeable.  They are called masks for a reason.  All of them superimpose your natural state,
which wears neither a smile nor a frown. 

Your basic essence is Love.  Try as it might, ego cannot mask that
forever.  Love is too powerful.  Unless one’s wounds are so deep that one’s
true essence is buried beyond awareness, love will continue to remind you what
is real.  Step out from behind the masks
and reveal your Self to the world.  You
are beautiful without the masks or the makeup. 
That shiny look … it is worth exposing.