figurengruppe-1785543_640You canonize one who has performed miracles and you make them a saint.  They are revered for they have shown you what is possible, and you hold them on a pedestal.  There is nothing wrong with this, but it keeps you from realizing that all of you are special and all of you are capable of miracles.  What is a miracle?  When the two worlds come together in a noticeable way that is outside the norm of human happenings.

Do you know what would be a miracle?  For all of you to know how loved you are.  For all to know you are special.  That awareness comes from reconnecting with your own soul, which is eternally part of the nonphysical world.  To connect the two worlds creates miracles upon miracles, not the least of which is loving yourself and others.  Are you ready to be canonized?

You need not achieve sainthood to love yourself and others.  You need merely shed your skin—this costume of fears, shame, and separation you have been wearing for far too long and allow your love-light to shine.