diamond-161739_640You are a flawed human.  Can you live with that, or do those words compel you to do and be better?  Why would you want to do better?  How would you be better?  Do you realize that good and flawed are human judgments, part of the dual nature of the human?  There is nothing wrong with being flawed.  Even the thought of “wrong” is part of the duality.  You are human for a while, so get used to the duality.  Do not let it consume you.  May it propel you to seek what lies beyond the duality:  the purity of simply being.  That being is neither good nor bad, flawed or perfect, but here and now experiencing.  Experience human life to the fullest with all its flaws and perfections, but stop and ask every now and then, Love, “Who am I and why am I here?”