“Without him or her I am nothing!” 
“Without my job or my house I am nothing.”  Have you heard this before?  Have you entertained these thoughts?  We may surprise you with our response:  In so thinking, you are correct.  Why? 
Because you are, indeed “no thing.” 
No thing can describe you.  No
thing can define you.  No person, no
title, no thing is the real you.  The
real you is beyond words, beyond labels, beyond even thought … beyond body and
beyond the mind to where All That Is exists as pure potential. 

You arise from the Source.  The
Source of what?  Of Love, my friend.  You are That, pure and simple, pure and
beyond words … magnificent, resplendent, overflowing, magical, ever-expanding
Love which no thing can contain, but which can be expressed in infinite ways.      

Do you see how indescribably special you are, even without things and
people and labels?  The very seed that
became you, lo, before even the seed, is Love. 
Celebrate your no-thing-ness today and know that you are Love(d).