Happiness is a choice.  You watch
your news and become discouraged.  Those
around you do not act or speak in loving ways and you despair.  Despair is a choice.  What does it matter what is happening around
you when all that is real is the eternal soul? 
Does this mean you do not care about others’ suffering?  Not at all. 
There are choices that arise from the human state of consciousness, and choices that arise from that of Spirit.  From a place of detachment you find understanding and compassion for
those who do not realize that they are not making the highest choices.  You then make the highest choice as to how
you will respond.  Should you get
involved?  Should you simply sit back and
be the presence of Love?  There is
actually no “should” at all.  There are
only choices, and the highest choices occur when you are in your highest
possible state of consciousness.