What is resonance, but when two or more waves enjoy compatibility in their frequency. You know a kindred spirit immediately upon meeting by the very feeling they produce in you. This is resonance. Your energetic signatures—your personal vibrational frequencies—are in tune, not dissonant. Energy is malleable. It changes in accordance with your thoughts and feelings. This is why your friends may change over time, for the personal vibration does change as one develops spiritually and emotionally. You will find yourself gathering ’round you souls of like vibration.

What is discord, but two frequencies vibrating out of sync. While you may never reach perfect resonance, radiate love. Pure Love is the highest vibration. It brings all others into sync with it. Is it time to move on when you no longer resonate with one you have known for years? Ask your Self. Synchronize with those around you by being the very presence of love. Do you have such power? Why, of course you do! There is naught but love, and you are it. Even the lesser vibrations come from love, but do reflect an absence of purity. Seek harmony in all facets of your life and be in resonance with All That Is. Raise your vibration with thoughts of love, and harmonize your world.