The sky appears blue, but is it really this color? What is color, but different vibrations along the spectrum of light? You vibrate as well, and your color changes with your thoughts and emotions… at times blue, at times red with anger, at times yellow with fear. Understand that we use these in allegorical fashion, for each color does have a particular frequency which resonates with the energy centers in your body. Red indicates stability …yellow, power … and blue, spiritual understanding. Green is oft associated with love, for it resonates with the heart center, so when you are feeling “blue,” imagine a beautiful field of emerald green light surrounding you and filling your heart. Flood your body with this green color until it radiates outward.

It is difficult to be “blue” when bathed in love. Share this love-bath with others who are a bit off-color, and watch the effects. A bit of emotional artistry is a good thing. Today, and every day, color your world with love.