Those who believe in miracles do experience them. What is a miracle, but an event or action beyond the normal human experience? Do you not yet understand that there occur events and actions far beyond the human experience at all times? There exist dimensions upon dimensions. All co-exist and inter-mingle, but you are presently blinded by your physical senses to other realities.

Look again at the opening sentence: “Those who believe in miracles do experience them.” Belief is the key that unlocks the door to other realms. You create first with thought. If you do not believe there is anything beyond the physical, then you cannot create so-called miraculous experiences for yourself. Stretch your beliefs bit by bit so as not to exceed your comfort zone too much at first. As you experience tiny “miracles” by allowing yourself to believe that your world is not all there is and that you never walk alone, then you can modify your belief system even more and progress from baby steps to giant leaps for mankind.

Miracles are not miraculous. Never do they break the immutable laws of nature. It is simply a fact that Nature is far more expansive than the physical realm. It is your human nature to think your realm is all there is. Take a few baby steps. Take your time. Then, when you are ready, take a giant leap and believe.