
Resistance. You find it in your power cables and it causes heat. Resistance. It builds up friction and reduces flow. Why, oh why do you resist so? You can easily be aware of when you are in a state of resistance. The teeth are clenched, the heart is constricted, the body is tense, and the mind is in turmoil. What a beautiful set of circumstances, all designed to say, “Pay attention! There is a better way.”

If you are resistant to what another desires, does this mean that their way is the better way? Not necessarily. What to do when you cannot determine the best path? How easy is the solution! Step into your soul awareness and ride up in the elevator of consciousness to achieve the highest possible perspective, far above that of the human. While there, ask for assistance from those who regularly enjoy such a view. When you drift back down into your human suit, apply what you have learned and test for resistance. No heat? No friction? That, my friend, is flow—the peaceful way to go.