swaddled-newbornStart at the beginning when you emerged from your mother’s womb. Ten fingers and ten toes. “Perfect,” they said, and all rejoiced. And then you cried a loud wail, and all rejoiced yet again. “Perfect.” Now move forward a few years. You have put something in your mouth out of curiosity. “No! Do not do that! Bad girl” or “Bad boy!” they say, and you are surprised, and you remember the way they said it and the look they gave. You remember how that felt. Move forward a few more years and they found the toys you stuffed under the bed and not where they belonged. Once again you are “bad.” Perhaps you even received a smack on the physical body to imprint just how bad you were.

Yes, it is true, children learn by correction. Humans learn and grow by trial and error. Corrections are necessary, but what did you learn? Are you “bad?” Are you “good?” Are you worthy or not? Do you base your goodness and your worth on an accumulation of how many times you were told this?

Ten fingers and toes and a very loud wail. “Perfect.” Do you see now that even that was a belief system? Even if born with 6 fingers and eleven toes and you failed to cry, the basic essence that is you is perfect … perfect … perfect … here to learn and grow, even if that be through trials that result in errors. See beyond the physical and celebrate today the perfection that is you.