step-daughter, step-parents and the like. 
This is a new form of relationship, formed not of blood, but of a bond—a
bond of marriage.  Yes, it is true there
is no blood relation, but do you think it is an accident they are in your

Imagine the
moment before all were born and the decision was made to help each other to
learn in some way.  Imagine the
light-bulb moment when you decided together to be bonded in this way—a step
closer than most by the legal bond of marriage, a step farther away than blood
relatives, but a step forward in your growth caused by this bond. 

As with all
of your interconnections, your “steps” afford you great challenges, which we
wish you to see as opportunities.  You chose
each other.  Trust us in this.  If the bond now is not fully loving, know
that at one time, in a different dimension it was.  Ask for guidance to know what you can do to
return to that relationship.  That will
be a step in the right direction.