Seeing is
believing – at least, this is your belief. 
But what if you ask for an apparition and none appears?  Does that mean you cannot hold onto your
beliefs that there is more to the eye than that which you behold? 

Behold the
truth:  You are but a speck of dust in
the whole of reality.  Does this mean
that you are insignificant?  Not at all.  You are magnificent as spirit.  Your human form is dustlike and shall return
to the earth—insignificant in size if you must make such comparisons.  But what of you as spirit? 

If you place
importance upon things based upon size and physical appearance, then you will
never truly appreciate the grandeur of you. 
See this truth in your mind:  You are
part of All That Is.  Believe this truth,
even if you cannot physically see it.  Believe
in your greatness and your role in all of creation.  Can you believe this without seeing it? 

Such a
challenge for a speck of dust.