What happens when you pray? You set in motion a vibration. Thoughts are aspects of consciousness, and consciousness is the creative force of the universe—that aspect of mind which you share with the One Divine Mind. Using your consciousness in prayer, you create a link between you and that which you desire.
Imagine a circuit between you and the desired outcome as a thing. Until the prayer, this circuit exists in potentiality, but is unlighted. Through the act of prayer, you activate this circuit and it lights up. Seen now by your helpers, acknowledged by the Divine Mind, all forces can now conspire to activate whatever other circuitry is needed to fulfill this desire, this prayer.
Of course it is not exactly like this, but quite similar, and you do enjoy your analogies. We wish you to understand how very powerful are your thoughts and prayers. Light up the sky with prayers of peace and love for all mankind. This type of prayer—that which benefits the greater good—carries the greatest power. Never forget that you carry this Power within you.