How you view an event is completely up to you.  Does a tragedy—or what you interpret as a
tragedy—propel you into action or lethargy, anger or compassion?  Why are there so many choices?  For yours is the realm of duality, of polar opposites.  The whole point of this existence is that you
get to choose, and thus you either learn and grow or stagnate.  There are other dimensions in which emotions
have no role.  This one which you now
experience is one of the most difficult, the most arduous, due to its very dual
nature.  We admire all of you for
agreeing to take it on, for the learning you bring back with you from this
experience is great.  You have much to
teach us all as a result of your experiences. 
Does this surprise you?  Soldier
on and pay attention to your choices. 
This is why you are here.