How can something that happens halfway around the planet affect
you?  Do you not realize that all of you
are leaves on the same tree?  You all
share the same Source.  You cannot
survive alone.  You could not
function.  Yes, you think you could go
off into a cave and there exist quite happily alone for the rest of your life,
but it is God who gives you that life. 
See God as the Tree itself, not just the trunk and branches and leaves.

All of you live and have your very breath in that Tree.  What one thinks and does affects all.  You may not feel the connection on an
individual basis, but how does it affect you when an entire community or an
entire nation thinks less than loving thoughts? 
How do you raise the vibration of the Tree?  It begins with every leaf. 

You have seen trees die bit by bit of dis-ease, and you have seen trees
flourish.  Your tree is like a Scientist’s
experiment.  Which way will it go?  You are headed in the right direction.  Now be a vibrant part of that growth and help
the Tree of Life to flourish.