Note from Suzanne: I never cease to be awed by this process. As I wrote the first four lines that I heard in meditation, I thought, “Oh my God, it’s another poem!” … so unexpected, yet so welcome, this poem flowed non-stop in under five minutes. I find its message amazing and hope you do, too …

Carousels go round and round.
The horses do go up and down.
Everything in life revolves.
This is how your world evolves.

All does cycle, this you see.
With this knowledge you are free
To worry not, “Will this pain pass?
Or am I stuck in this morass?”

What comes around will pass on by.
To change this, you need not even try,
For rhythm is a law of life.
With cycles all the world is rife.

So when the pendulum swings out
No need to worry or to shout.
It will swing back, of this be sure.
But you need not feel it ever more.

When times are good, enjoy them well
Knowing you can rise above the hell
That happens when the bob swings back
By trying out a different tack …

Rise above it, my dear friend!
Go to that place that has no end.
Know that baser vibes you need not feel
When you ascend where all is real.

Ride the cycle when it’s good.
Enjoy your life, of course you should.
But when pain enters, as it will,
Sit in the silence and be still.

There you’ll find the peace you seek.
This is when are blessed the meek.
And riding thus the backward swing,
Into your life God peace will bring.