You are here for the experiences.  This does not mean only the ones you label pleasant.  Roll around in life.  Discover how it feels to be human.  “So, this is how it feels to be uncomfortable.” If you do not like it, take note.  It does not change your true nature at all, that of being the Light.  But here is the key:  pleasant or unpleasant, how you judge these experiences, what you think about them is your choice.  “It is what it is” and “Isn’t that interesting” reflect the awareness that every experience is simply that:  an experience.  Can you feel the inherent peace in such a response?  There is no need to delve into the more emotional responses.  You are well familiar with those.  Life in human form has its ups and downs.  It can be no other way, but keeping in mind your True Nature as Pure Awareness, there is most definitely another Way.  You are so very loved.