You’ve seen the walking meditators.  They walk so slowly.  Step.  Step.  Step.  So very slowly.  “How boring!  How slow!  There are places to go!  Things to do!” you think.  Not today!  Nowhere to go.  Nothing to do.  Isn’t that interesting!  What if you step outside your door and take a step.  Pause and tune in.  “Where shall I put the next step?”  Step.  “Where shall I put the next?”  Step.  “What am I to notice as I take the next step?”  Step.  “Who is it guiding these steps?”  Step.  And suddenly, you are no longer bored.  Suddenly, you are intrigued.  Suddenly, with each step, you feel Joy arising.  You have not left your home to do so, you are taking steps closer and closer to your true Home.  Ahhhhh.  You are so very loved.